

The Fact about Blue Eyes

Having blue eyes is a privilege especially for women for such eye color is the ultimate symbol for beauty and fertility. Women with such of human eye were always acknowledged beautiful and such became the favorite medium for beauty experts for their beauty experimentations.  Women with blue eyes usually have Caucasian races and such feature could be passed for several generations after her. Scientifically, having blue eyes means the lack of melanin components in the human system and it also means that such person is also very sensitive to light. However, despite this fact, a huge number of people kept wishing they have such eyes.

Having blue eyes is a privilege especially for women for such eye color is the ultimate symbol for beauty and fertility. Women with such of human eye were always acknowledged beautiful and such became the favorite medium for beauty experts for their beauty experimentations.  Women with blue eyes usually have Caucasian races and such feature could be passed for several generations after her. Scientifically, having blue eyes means the lack of melanin components in the human system and it also means that such person is also very sensitive to light. However, despite this fact, a huge number of people kept wishing they have such eyes.
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woman with beautiful eyes

A woman with beautiful eyes says it all. Sometimes, a human eye is simply more than enough to enhance a woman’s beauty. It is not the eye color, the shape or the texture of the eyes but rather it is more on the expression. Women with strong and sharp eyes were portrays a strong willed woman; a beautiful doe eyed woman signifies innocence and vulnerability; while those with mischievous and sparkling eyes signifies that such woman is fun loving and adventurous. Indeed, by simply just seeing a person through the eyes you would instantly know the kind of person she is and what she is capable of.

A woman with beautiful eyes says it all. Sometimes, a human eye is simply more than enough to enhance a woman’s beauty. It is not the eye color, the shape or the texture of the eyes but rather it is more on the expression. Women with strong and sharp eyes were portrays a strong willed woman; a beautiful doe eyed woman signifies innocence and vulnerability; while those with mischievous and sparkling eyes signifies that such woman is fun loving and adventurous. Indeed, by simply just seeing a person through the eyes you would instantly know the kind of person she is and what she is capable of.
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How to Apply Blue Color Makeup for Blue Eyes

Makeup for blues eyes begins here. Women are ardent admirers of makeup products. They just can’t do without them. Every woman or teenage girl should know that more makeup is a very pity sight to see. So I am listing down some information on natural makeup tips or at least help you understand it. One more important aspect of makeup is, women and girls apply it to impress men of all ages. Heavy makeup makes you look artificial and it’s a big turn off. So let’s see some good natural makeup tips and put them to use.

Natural Makeup Tips for Blue Eyes
The purpose of an Blue eye makeup is to enhance and emphasize your eyes.  Blue eyes are one of the most envious eye colors in the world. Makeup for Blue eyes range in color from deep sapphire to gray blue. The correct choice of eye shadow can glorify the features of your eyes. Girls with deep dark blue eyes can experiment with a wide range of colors including acute shades, while girls with light blue eyes can play with milder color range. Applying blue color makeup for blue eyes can be quite tricky, so take care.

Makeup for blue eyes, the color of the eye shadow should ideally be brown, rose, lavender, shades of violet or neutral tones. You can also experiment with icy pink, silver and gold too. If you want to be a head turner in a party at night mix black with another color. I recommend turquoise and fuchsia.
The color of the mascara should be dark blue or brown. Select a black eyeliner if it suits you. Avoid jet black eyeliners.
The eye shadow is well suited along the lid and should be as close as possible to the eyelashes and along the crease as well.
Take care that the blush color resembles your cheek color.
A pink beige color lipstick compliments a blue color eye.
Smokey makeup also looks good on blue eyes with a gray or dark blue eye shadow.
Eye line should be soften and bottom should be smudged.
If you still think you need a more natural look then apply a pale shadow with a slightly darker shadow.
Another good eye look is applying a light bronze eye shadow and a bold coated mascara.
Try to match up your eye makeup to enhance your look.
Golden brown hair is best suited for the look of make for blue eyes, but black is also a good option.
Hope you enjoyed these small tips on makeup for Blue eyes. watch clip below for a little more understanding on subject. Thank
Makeup for blues eyes begins here. Women are ardent admirers of makeup products. They just can’t do without them. Every woman or teenage girl should know that more makeup is a very pity sight to see. So I am listing down some information on natural makeup tips or at least help you understand it. One more important aspect of makeup is, women and girls apply it to impress men of all ages. Heavy makeup makes you look artificial and it’s a big turn off. So let’s see some good natural makeup tips and put them to use.

Natural Makeup Tips for Blue Eyes
The purpose of an Blue eye makeup is to enhance and emphasize your eyes.  Blue eyes are one of the most envious eye colors in the world. Makeup for Blue eyes range in color from deep sapphire to gray blue. The correct choice of eye shadow can glorify the features of your eyes. Girls with deep dark blue eyes can experiment with a wide range of colors including acute shades, while girls with light blue eyes can play with milder color range. Applying blue color makeup for blue eyes can be quite tricky, so take care.

Makeup for blue eyes, the color of the eye shadow should ideally be brown, rose, lavender, shades of violet or neutral tones. You can also experiment with icy pink, silver and gold too. If you want to be a head turner in a party at night mix black with another color. I recommend turquoise and fuchsia.
The color of the mascara should be dark blue or brown. Select a black eyeliner if it suits you. Avoid jet black eyeliners.
The eye shadow is well suited along the lid and should be as close as possible to the eyelashes and along the crease as well.
Take care that the blush color resembles your cheek color.
A pink beige color lipstick compliments a blue color eye.
Smokey makeup also looks good on blue eyes with a gray or dark blue eye shadow.
Eye line should be soften and bottom should be smudged.
If you still think you need a more natural look then apply a pale shadow with a slightly darker shadow.
Another good eye look is applying a light bronze eye shadow and a bold coated mascara.
Try to match up your eye makeup to enhance your look.
Golden brown hair is best suited for the look of make for blue eyes, but black is also a good option.
Hope you enjoyed these small tips on makeup for Blue eyes. watch clip below for a little more understanding on subject. Thank
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Right Eye Makeup for Brown Eyes

Natural Makeup Tips for Brown Eyes
Applying the eyeshadow by eye color is the best way to match the color of your eyes and your makeup. Selecting a right eye makeup for brown eyes is as important as selecting the right makeup for your face.

Deep shades of blue gray, gold, brown, shades of purple and violet would be the best eyeshadow colors for brown eyes. Shades of pink brown and bronze help to highlight brown eyes in a natural way.
To make brown eyes look more beautiful, apply dark eyeliners that suit your eyeshadow. Try soft pink eyeliners to showcase your brown eyes. Avoid dark black eyeliners, as it gets too strong. For a more real look, you can also apply liquid eyeliner. For a more natural look keep the eyeliner use to a minimum.
To highlight brown eyes naturally, experiment with eye shadows with indifferent colors like browns, peaches, etc.
Curl your lashes and apply mascara. Dark blue mascara is an ideal choice for brown eyes. For natural makeup use a shimmery pastel shadow on your lid, lashes should be curled and apply brown mascara on the outer corner of your eyes.
So ladies, I hope this article on natural makeup tips has provided you useful information on how to stand out in a crowd. So do use these tips and I would be waiting for your valuable feedback.
Natural Makeup Tips for Brown Eyes
Applying the eyeshadow by eye color is the best way to match the color of your eyes and your makeup. Selecting a right eye makeup for brown eyes is as important as selecting the right makeup for your face.

Deep shades of blue gray, gold, brown, shades of purple and violet would be the best eyeshadow colors for brown eyes. Shades of pink brown and bronze help to highlight brown eyes in a natural way.
To make brown eyes look more beautiful, apply dark eyeliners that suit your eyeshadow. Try soft pink eyeliners to showcase your brown eyes. Avoid dark black eyeliners, as it gets too strong. For a more real look, you can also apply liquid eyeliner. For a more natural look keep the eyeliner use to a minimum.
To highlight brown eyes naturally, experiment with eye shadows with indifferent colors like browns, peaches, etc.
Curl your lashes and apply mascara. Dark blue mascara is an ideal choice for brown eyes. For natural makeup use a shimmery pastel shadow on your lid, lashes should be curled and apply brown mascara on the outer corner of your eyes.
So ladies, I hope this article on natural makeup tips has provided you useful information on how to stand out in a crowd. So do use these tips and I would be waiting for your valuable feedback.
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Women's Brown Eyes

One beautiful feature a woman could ever have is brown eyes.  A brown human eye may vary from light brown, to golden brown and even chocolate brown yet despite all these shades they still came from one ancestral root. Such eyes signify a rich Caucasian race specifically in the European area. Having such eyes somehow adds mysteriousness, seriousness and even calmness.  No one could beat women with brown eyes for such eye color could go along with any kind of eye color shade but they would really look good if you use simple light colors that will make the brownness of the eyes

One beautiful feature a woman could ever have is brown eyes.  A brown human eye may vary from light brown, to golden brown and even chocolate brown yet despite all these shades they still came from one ancestral root. Such eyes signify a rich Caucasian race specifically in the European area. Having such eyes somehow adds mysteriousness, seriousness and even calmness.  No one could beat women with brown eyes for such eye color could go along with any kind of eye color shade but they would really look good if you use simple light colors that will make the brownness of the eyes
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How to keep the eyes healthy

Gazing at the vast ocean, taking in a double feature, admiring your loved one’s smile — none of these things would be possible without your eyes. But because seeing is such a commonplace activity for most people, it’s easy to take your eyes for granted. The good news is that it’s not difficult to maintain eye health. Here are nine ways to protect your eyes so they can continue to provide you with gorgeous views and precious sights.

Wear Shades
Ultraviolet rays can literally burn your eyes, much the same way they can burn your skin. The symptoms: red, itchy, or gritty-feeling eyes. This kind of discomfort is usually short-lived, but researchers have found that long-term exposure to UV rays can have a permanent affect, including cataracts and irreversible damage to the retina. So be sure to wear sunglasses whenever you spend time outside — even if it’s cloudy. Which shades are best? The American Optometric Association recommends sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB radiation, screen out 75 to 90 percent of visible light, are free of imperfections and distortion, and have gray lenses for proper color recognition.

Consume Carotenoids
The old recommendation that carrots are good for your eyes has some truth. That’s because carrots contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are naturally found in the eyes and which can help ward off cataracts and macular degeneration. That said, you’re much better off taking a cue from Popeye rather than Bugs Bunny. Carotenoids can be found much more plentifully in leafy green foods, such as kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, and broccoli.

Goggle Yourself
What do certain sports and household chores have in common? They both pose a threat to your eyes. In fact, more than one million people suffer eye injuries in the United States each year, 90 percent of which could be avoided with the proper protective eyewear. So whether you’re working with chemicals like bleach, using a machine that can send objects flying (like a lawn mower), or playing racquetball, be sure to use appropriate eyewear. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that safety glasses or goggles have the code “ANSI Z87.1″ written on the lens or frame. This indicates that they’ve met the safety standards of the American National Standards Institute.

Visit the Doctor Regularly
Many eye diseases and disorders can be prevented or corrected if they’re caught early. Not only do regular visits to your eye doctor help ensure an early diagnosis, but you can also get an up-to-date prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. The American Optometric Association suggests that children have their eyes examined at six months old, three years old, before the first grade, and then every two years until their eighteenth birthday. Adults between the ages of 18 and 40 should have their eyes checked every two to three years, 41- to 60-year-olds require an exam every two years, and adults over 60 should have an annual eye exam. If you’re at higher risk for eye diseases, because of diabetes, hypertension, a family history of ocular disease, or daily use of contact lenses, talk to your doctor about how often you should get your eyes checked.

Eat Your Antioxidants
Carrots and spinach are not the only foods that are good for your eyes. Recent studies have found that foods rich in antioxidants can also reduce your risk of developing age-related eye disease and cataracts. So boost your intake of antioxidants by eating a combination of vitamins C and E. Papaya, cantaloupe, strawberries, green peppers, oranges, and grapefruit are excellent sources of vitamin C, while vitamin E is found in foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and safflower and corn oils.

Use Computer Caution
If you’re like many Americans who spend countless hours staring at a computer screen, be warned: You may be at risk for developing computer vision syndrome (CVS). The symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. CVS usually wanes after you’ve stopped using the computer, although certain symptoms may persist. If you’re bound to your computer, take these precautions: Set the center of your computer screen 4 to 5 inches below eye level and 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes.Reduce glare by using lower-wattage lightbulbs overhead and closing curtains or drapes. Finally, try to blink more often, and rest 15 minutes after every two hours of computer use.

Get Eye-Inclusive Health Insurance
You might be among the 40 million-plus American workers who cannot afford routine eye exams, or perhaps you decided to opt out of the vision portion of your health insurance plan to save a few bucks. But in order to maintain eye health, it’s important to visit your doctor regularly. In fact, many eye disorders have no warning signs and can only be detected by a professional. So be sure to explore vision plan options at your workplace. You may even be eligible for low- or no-cost programs, so do your homework. The cost of regular eye doctor visits will be worth it in the long run.

Wear Squeaky Clean Contacts
Sure, contact lenses give the bridge of your nose a much-needed rest from your glasses, but don’t let them put your eye health at risk. To avoid problems like irritated eyes, fuzzy vision, pain, and discomfort, be sure to always wash your hands before handling your contacts. Also be sure to do the following: Clean and store your lenses only in fresh solution, replace your contacts as directed, and remove your contacts before swimming or entering a hot tub.

Know the Danger Signs
Not only is it important to see your eye doctor for routine visits, but you should also know the warning signs that might necessitate a more immediate visit.Call your eye doctor if you have difficulty adjusting to light or dark, trouble focusing, unusual sensitivity, a change in the color of the iris or lids, pain, double vision, dark spots or halos, dry or watery eyes, flashes of light, or loss of peripheral vision. When your vision is compromised, make sure a friend or family member drives you to your appointment.
By Michelle Lynn Olson
Gazing at the vast ocean, taking in a double feature, admiring your loved one’s smile — none of these things would be possible without your eyes. But because seeing is such a commonplace activity for most people, it’s easy to take your eyes for granted. The good news is that it’s not difficult to maintain eye health. Here are nine ways to protect your eyes so they can continue to provide you with gorgeous views and precious sights.

Wear Shades
Ultraviolet rays can literally burn your eyes, much the same way they can burn your skin. The symptoms: red, itchy, or gritty-feeling eyes. This kind of discomfort is usually short-lived, but researchers have found that long-term exposure to UV rays can have a permanent affect, including cataracts and irreversible damage to the retina. So be sure to wear sunglasses whenever you spend time outside — even if it’s cloudy. Which shades are best? The American Optometric Association recommends sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB radiation, screen out 75 to 90 percent of visible light, are free of imperfections and distortion, and have gray lenses for proper color recognition.

Consume Carotenoids
The old recommendation that carrots are good for your eyes has some truth. That’s because carrots contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are naturally found in the eyes and which can help ward off cataracts and macular degeneration. That said, you’re much better off taking a cue from Popeye rather than Bugs Bunny. Carotenoids can be found much more plentifully in leafy green foods, such as kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, and broccoli.

Goggle Yourself
What do certain sports and household chores have in common? They both pose a threat to your eyes. In fact, more than one million people suffer eye injuries in the United States each year, 90 percent of which could be avoided with the proper protective eyewear. So whether you’re working with chemicals like bleach, using a machine that can send objects flying (like a lawn mower), or playing racquetball, be sure to use appropriate eyewear. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that safety glasses or goggles have the code “ANSI Z87.1″ written on the lens or frame. This indicates that they’ve met the safety standards of the American National Standards Institute.

Visit the Doctor Regularly
Many eye diseases and disorders can be prevented or corrected if they’re caught early. Not only do regular visits to your eye doctor help ensure an early diagnosis, but you can also get an up-to-date prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. The American Optometric Association suggests that children have their eyes examined at six months old, three years old, before the first grade, and then every two years until their eighteenth birthday. Adults between the ages of 18 and 40 should have their eyes checked every two to three years, 41- to 60-year-olds require an exam every two years, and adults over 60 should have an annual eye exam. If you’re at higher risk for eye diseases, because of diabetes, hypertension, a family history of ocular disease, or daily use of contact lenses, talk to your doctor about how often you should get your eyes checked.

Eat Your Antioxidants
Carrots and spinach are not the only foods that are good for your eyes. Recent studies have found that foods rich in antioxidants can also reduce your risk of developing age-related eye disease and cataracts. So boost your intake of antioxidants by eating a combination of vitamins C and E. Papaya, cantaloupe, strawberries, green peppers, oranges, and grapefruit are excellent sources of vitamin C, while vitamin E is found in foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and safflower and corn oils.

Use Computer Caution
If you’re like many Americans who spend countless hours staring at a computer screen, be warned: You may be at risk for developing computer vision syndrome (CVS). The symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. CVS usually wanes after you’ve stopped using the computer, although certain symptoms may persist. If you’re bound to your computer, take these precautions: Set the center of your computer screen 4 to 5 inches below eye level and 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes.Reduce glare by using lower-wattage lightbulbs overhead and closing curtains or drapes. Finally, try to blink more often, and rest 15 minutes after every two hours of computer use.

Get Eye-Inclusive Health Insurance
You might be among the 40 million-plus American workers who cannot afford routine eye exams, or perhaps you decided to opt out of the vision portion of your health insurance plan to save a few bucks. But in order to maintain eye health, it’s important to visit your doctor regularly. In fact, many eye disorders have no warning signs and can only be detected by a professional. So be sure to explore vision plan options at your workplace. You may even be eligible for low- or no-cost programs, so do your homework. The cost of regular eye doctor visits will be worth it in the long run.

Wear Squeaky Clean Contacts
Sure, contact lenses give the bridge of your nose a much-needed rest from your glasses, but don’t let them put your eye health at risk. To avoid problems like irritated eyes, fuzzy vision, pain, and discomfort, be sure to always wash your hands before handling your contacts. Also be sure to do the following: Clean and store your lenses only in fresh solution, replace your contacts as directed, and remove your contacts before swimming or entering a hot tub.

Know the Danger Signs
Not only is it important to see your eye doctor for routine visits, but you should also know the warning signs that might necessitate a more immediate visit.Call your eye doctor if you have difficulty adjusting to light or dark, trouble focusing, unusual sensitivity, a change in the color of the iris or lids, pain, double vision, dark spots or halos, dry or watery eyes, flashes of light, or loss of peripheral vision. When your vision is compromised, make sure a friend or family member drives you to your appointment.
By Michelle Lynn Olson
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Amazing Facts about the Human Eye

They say that the human eye is the portal to one’s soul like a volcano that acts as a gateway to the center of the earth but enough of the metaphorical alliterations, the eyes serve, single-handedly, as the only avenue for persons to take a peek at whatever it is that they want to glance at. Some facts for you to know about this organ which is mostly used 80% of the time by anyone to gather information within his or her environment is that the cornea is the only part of the human body which does not need blood supply. All newborn babies are still color blind but this condition gradually improves after sometime, the weight of an average adult’s eyeball is approximately an ounce and human eyes blink for more than 27,000 times over the course of a day.

They say that the human eye is the portal to one’s soul like a volcano that acts as a gateway to the center of the earth but enough of the metaphorical alliterations, the eyes serve, single-handedly, as the only avenue for persons to take a peek at whatever it is that they want to glance at. Some facts for you to know about this organ which is mostly used 80% of the time by anyone to gather information within his or her environment is that the cornea is the only part of the human body which does not need blood supply. All newborn babies are still color blind but this condition gradually improves after sometime, the weight of an average adult’s eyeball is approximately an ounce and human eyes blink for more than 27,000 times over the course of a day.
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How to draw a Human Eye Real Easy Spoken Tutorial

How to draw a Human Eye Real Easy Spoken Tutorial with award-winning illustrator Shoo Rayner.

How to draw a Human Eye Real Easy Spoken Tutorial with award-winning illustrator Shoo Rayner.

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Taking Care of the Human Eye

Some sort of human eye problems are common. Some are nearsighted while others are farsighted. If you have 20/20 vision, then you should be in the works to take care of it. Even if you’re not properly taking care of your eyes can prevent other eye problems. Have your eyes checked by your ophthalmologist if you are experiencing any issue with it. This is to have your problems diagnosed right away. It is also safe to have your eyes checked every two years to ensure eye health. Wear sunglasses that have UV protection whenever you’re in the sun. This helps in preventing.

Some sort of human eye problems are common. Some are nearsighted while others are farsighted. If you have 20/20 vision, then you should be in the works to take care of it. Even if you’re not properly taking care of your eyes can prevent other eye problems. Have your eyes checked by your ophthalmologist if you are experiencing any issue with it. This is to have your problems diagnosed right away. It is also safe to have your eyes checked every two years to ensure eye health. Wear sunglasses that have UV protection whenever you’re in the sun. This helps in preventing.
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Health Problems with Human Eye

The human eye is probably among the most important body parts for humans. There are common eye problems that a number of us face. Glaucoma is one of the most common eye problems. This affects the optic nerve and can cause loss of vision. Cataract is another and is the clouding of the lens in the eye which is painless. This is usually caused by aging, trauma, or diabetes. As we age, especially when we go over 60, we are susceptible to age-related macular degeneration. This progressively destroys the macula and impairs the central vision. This is painless but cannot be treated once in the advanced stage already.

The human eye is probably among the most important body parts for humans. There are common eye problems that a number of us face. Glaucoma is one of the most common eye problems. This affects the optic nerve and can cause loss of vision. Cataract is another and is the clouding of the lens in the eye which is painless. This is usually caused by aging, trauma, or diabetes. As we age, especially when we go over 60, we are susceptible to age-related macular degeneration. This progressively destroys the macula and impairs the central vision. This is painless but cannot be treated once in the advanced stage already.
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